Apple announces FreeRADIUS in Mac OSX Leopard

Nathan Cable nathan at
Fri Aug 18 18:48:57 CEST 2006

Sorry about the long delay on the response.  I'll try to add something of
value to the discussion...

The information on the page is dated, but it's accurate.  You can also
ignore some of the information, as the current stable version of FreeRadius
seems to have everything set up and ready to go.  All you need to do is
enable the relevant sections of eap.conf (using the test certificates
works), and add an entry for the base station in clients.conf.

I don't run FR on a Mac server, but I did a quick test before sending this
email, and everything compiled fine.  Make sure you read the Mac relevant
docs in the /doc directory of the distribution - there's a couple of
important notes about compiling.

As for grouping the access points, check out /doc/Autz-type.  It describes
how to set up different realms.  I tried doing just that, but I haven't had
any success with it.  I'm going to do a separate post in the immediate

Let me know if you've had any luck!


On 8/13/06 1:22 AM, "Stephan Budach" <stephan.budach at> wrote:

> Hi Nathan,
> yes, the goal is to authenticate wireless users. I have already taken
> a look at Andreas' web page, but the information seems a bit outdated
> to me.
> At this time I am wondering whether to go with darwinports'
> freeradius package or with one of the other two installers. Actually
> I can't figure out what this "experimental" opendirectory plugim is
> about and if its part of the regular FreeRADIUS source.
> The final setup I want to achieve is to have three groups of
> Accesspoints, one for internal users, one for freelancers and one for
> guests. The access to these accesspoints should be controlled by
> three corresponding groups on our OpenDirectory server, without the
> need to have these clients manually added to the clients file. Okay,
> maintaining the clients file could be done with  a script as well.
> Is this possible with FreeRADIUS?
> Thanks,
> Stephan

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