Cannot compile and run on Mac OS X 10.4.7

Stephen Gran steve at
Wed Aug 23 12:58:45 CEST 2006

On Wed, Aug 23, 2006 at 12:02:42PM +0200, Nicolas Baradakis said:
> Michael Check wrote:
> > There really is no other docs we've found on getting it compiled
> > (after difficulty like the above) and installed.  Certainly nothing
> > recent anyway.  Is it true that it _should_ just work? :)
> Please try version 1.1.3, available on The build
> tools (autoconf, libtool, libltld) have been upgraded to a recent
> version.
> It was reported to work "out of the box" on Mac OS 10.4.7 (ie "./configure"
> "make" and "make install")

Is this version now actually released?  The download page hasn't been
updated, so I wasn't sure if this was still 'in flux' or not.  If it's a
finalized release, I guess I have some work to do :)
|  Stephen Gran                  | To save a single life is better than to |
|  steve at             | build a seven story pagoda.             |
| |                                         |
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