
Elie Hani ehani at wise.net.lb
Mon Aug 28 17:04:45 CEST 2006


I was reading this email, and I've followed the steps.
I have created the postgresql database, but what should I do to make the
radius get the authentication from the postgresql database? And where should
I add the configuration if I want to declare the username and the password
in the database, and what changes should I do in the radiusd.conf and the
users file?


-----Original Message-----
From: freeradius-users-bounces+ehani=wise.net.lb at lists.freeradius.org
[mailto:freeradius-users-bounces+ehani=wise.net.lb at lists.freeradius.org] On
Behalf Of Peter Nixon
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 5:05 PM
To: Chris Knipe; FreeRadius users mailing list
Subject: Re: rlm_sqlippool

On Sat 26 Aug 2006 23:09, Chris Knipe wrote:
> Hi,
> I know this is new, and not yet documented, but I saw some good posts
> it being stable, so I'm looking at implementing it at the moment... But
> alas, I'm confused and the lack of documentation is not helping.
> doc/rlm_sqlippool states:
> The only required fields are, pool_name and ip_address. A pool consists
> of one or more rows in the table with the same pool_name and a different
> ip_address. The is no restriction on which ip addresses/ranges may be in
> the same pool, and addresses do not need to be concurrent.
> Yet, raddb/sqlippool.conf, makes absolutely NO sense to me at the moment
> all, and there is WAY more than merely a pool name and a IP address
> referenced in the queries...  I understand that there is some unique
> elements required in the table to indicate that a IP is allocated, and to
> know where the IP is allocated (and obviously to release that IP once the
> session terminates).

it is really not that complex :-) As the docs state put one or more records
the tabe with a pool_name and ip_address and then use the pool_name the same

way you do with the standard ippool module. Thats it.

> Can someone perhaps please just take a moment to explain what exactly is
> going on in those queries??  I'm not referring to the SQL as such, but
> rather as to what is updated, and why.  A table structure accompanying
> those queries in sqlippool.conf may help significantly as well, as I'm
> guessing at the moment what needs to go where :(

The table structure is in the same file as all the rest of the database
at doc/examples/postgresql.sql

For reference it is:

CREATE TABLE radippool (
        id                      BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
        pool_name               text NOT NULL,
        FramedIPAddress         INET,
        NASIPAddress            text NOT NULL,
        CalledStationId         VARCHAR(64),
        CallingStationId        text DEFAULT ''::text NOT NULL,
        expiry_time             TIMESTAMP(0) without time zone NOT NULL,
        username                text DEFAULT ''::text,
        pool_key                VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL

I have only tested this with Postgresql, although I will probably be testing

on Oracle at some point. If you want to test it on some other database you 
are welcome. Please report the results :-)



Peter Nixon
PGP Key: http://www.peternixon.net/public.asc

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