Interface binding problem

Marcel.De_Boer at Marcel.De_Boer at
Wed Aug 30 08:45:54 CEST 2006

Nicolas Baradakis wrote:
>> I'd like to set it up with the commandline switch (-i <ip-addr>), but 
>> this does not seem to work (tested on versions 0.2, 1.0.1 and 1.2): the 
>> server only takes the address from the configuration file and completely 
>> ignores the commandline switch. I do realise that the commandline switch 
>> is deprecated, but is it possible to get this to work somehow?
> You may try a nightly CVS snapshot. I think the -i and -p options
> are fixed in CVS.
Yes, they are; thank you very much!

The CVS snapshot indicates that this will be version 2.0. Is this the 
next planned release or is it more like a development branch which is 
maintained together with a stable 1.1-branch? (I'm trying to figure out 
if it's worthwhile to wait for the next released version or just use a 
'stable enough' CVS snapshot for the time being if a release that fixes 
these options isn't planned for some time.)

Thanks very much again!

Kind regards,

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