Dialupadmin in dedicated server

Kostas Kalevras kkalev at noc.ntua.gr
Wed Aug 30 14:47:07 CEST 2006

On Wed, 30 Aug 2006, Guilherme Franco wrote:

> Hello,
> I need to use Dialup Admin that is installed alone in a dedicated server.
> In the dialupadmin admin.config, it states thats it needs the
> /etc/local/radius in the same machine.
> What can I do? (considering that the freeradius in installed in another
> server)

dialupadmin does not really need radius in the same machine. The dependencies 
are the following:
test user page needs radclient
log_badlogins can read the clints.conf to find nas information

So you can place a statically linked radclient on the same machine with 
dialupadmin (in order for the test page to work) and if you need log_badlogins 
you can also transfer your clients.conf file.

> Thank you.

Kostas Kalevras		Network Operations Center
kkalev at noc.ntua.gr	National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Work Phone:		+30 210 7721861
'Go back to the shadow'	Gandalf

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