Jeremy M. Guthrie jeremy.guthrie at
Wed Dec 6 23:58:41 CET 2006

I have a system with Suse 10.0 and FreeRADIUS V1.0.4.  What I am trying to do 
is this:
1.  ssh to Host-A running FreeRADIUS and PAM talks with to 
authenticate to SecurID.  This works like a champ.
2.  Telnet/ssh into network equipment, said equipment RADIUS authenticates to 
the Host-A.  I'd like to get FreeRADIUS to push the request to resolve the  
username/password combo via PAM towards  So far, no go.  Why 
would there be a /etc/pam.d/radiusd if it does not use it?  

Is the PAM reference in the radiusd.conf only used if Host-A was acting as a 
modules {
        pap {
                encryption_scheme = crypt
        pam {
                pam_auth = radiusd


Jeremy M. Guthrie        jeremy.guthrie at
Senior Network Engineer        Phone: 608-298-1061
Berbee - A CDW Company           Fax: 608-288-3007
5520 Research Park Drive         NOC: 608-298-1102
Madison, WI 53711
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