How to pass information between modules?

Martin Gadbois martin.gadbois at
Fri Dec 8 21:41:28 CET 2006

Hash: SHA1

Alan DeKok wrote:
>> What would be the best way to pass information between ldap and sql?
>   In the same way that all of the other modules do it: Put the
> information into attributes.  That's what the "config item" list is for.

My subconscious FreeRADIUS mind was saying that as well; but how to use
config items and what makes them different from RADIUS Reply attributes?

An theoritical example:

modules {
	file users {
	file groups {

authorized {

file users:
martin User-Password == "gadbois"
       Group = "staff"

file groups:
DEFAULT  Group == "staff"
	Reply-Message = "Hello Staff!"

I expect this to set "martin" into the "staff" group, and a RADIUS
request returns Reply-Message "Hello Staff!!"

This does not work:
[/etc/raddb/users]:223 WARNING! Check item "Group" ?found in reply item
list for user "martin". ?This attribute MUST go on the first line with
the other check items

Some explaination, a C function or a URL would greatly help!

>> In other words, how to configure those modules if the "ldap" contains
>> the group info, but "sql" the actual RADIUS attribute per group?
>   You can use the "LDAP-Group" attribute, see the rlm_ldap documentation.

I got it now; LDAP-Group is like a callback into the "ldap" module,
where the LDAP group is going to be checked to the value.

I'll go update the FR LDAP Wiki.. ;-)

Thanks Alan for the quick reply.

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==============         +----------------------------------------------+
Martin Gadbois         | "Windows might take you from 0 to 60 faster, |
S/W Developer          |  but to go to 100 you need Unix."            |
Colubris Networks Inc. +----------------------------------------------+
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