configuring groups in sql tables

Michael Schwartzkopff misch at
Thu Dec 14 09:52:05 CET 2006

Am Donnerstag, 14. Dezember 2006 09:39 schrieb Alexander Serkin:
> Sorry, may be my question was not spelled well.
> Actually i need to move multiple default entries from users file into
> sql table. Is it possible to create multiple DEFAULT instances in sql
> tables istead of placing them in users file like this:

Perhaps you like to use the SQL-Group test like

TestNAS1        NAS-IP-Address ==
                SQL-Group == dialup,
                SQL-Group == adsl

in the proxy config.

Dr. Michael Schwartzkopff
MultiNET Services GmbH
Bretonischer Ring 7
85630 Grasbrunn

Tel: (+49 89) 456 911 - 0
Fax: (+49 89) 456 911 - 21
mob: (+49 174) 343 28 75

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