how to log Disconnects/Stop (Acct-Status-Type)

Peter Nixon listuser at
Mon Dec 18 18:24:06 CET 2006

On Mon 18 Dec 2006 18:56, Adrian wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> We recently moved from Merit Radius to Freeradius (1.0.4).  Everything
> works great however we want to log Stop/Alive packets (the
> Acct-Status-Type request) to the radius.log as we did before.  Right now
> this information is only logged to the detail file.
> With Merit Radius we were able to see when a client disconnected in the
> regular log file and with Freeradius we only see the Auth Login OK
> messages but no disconnects.
> Is there an easy way to log the Acct-Status-Type to the radius.log file
> also?

We wrote a module to do this a couple of months ago, but due to other 
pressures I haven't had time to fully test it. (Its not yet in production on 
our servers). I have commited it to CVS HEAD (its called rlm_acctlog) but it 
could easily be used with 1.1.x


Peter Nixon
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