Dialup admin Display users online (suggestion)

Kostas Kalevras kkalev at noc.ntua.gr
Thu Dec 21 08:53:14 CET 2006

Cory Robson wrote:

>I am slowly getting around this interface and notice many things that could
>be improved upon but I'm lacking in the coding department.
>For example the user_finger.php page, this does a nice job once you have
>manually entered all of the pops into the separate naslist file but can
>become a royal pain to maintain.
>If someone could rewrite the code to extract the users online from the
>raddact table and simply group them by the independent nas's this would be a
>far simpler method. As you added additional pops to your range nothing to
>add/remove in the code, it simply regenerates as people log in from that
If you are using sql to keep radius client info then you don't need to 
do any extra work, since you already have your clients added in the 
table for freeradius to function correctly. What you are suggesting 
isn't a lot of work. The idea was to have more information than just the 
ip of the nas server though (like description, ports available). In any 
case it could be added as a configuration option

>I have done a very similar thing with the failed logins page. Have the sql
>query dumping failed logins into the postauth table from the radius process
>and then have dialup admin failed logins script running an sql query against
>that table instead. Alas my coding is not that good so I'm not getting all
>records just the last one. Again help would be needed for me to finish this.
It's a nice thought.

>Anyone up to the task to assist in this matter
>Cory Robson
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