FreeRadius overview

David Covert dcovert at
Thu Dec 28 17:37:51 CET 2006

I have gotten freeRadius working with a mikrotik NAS using the users
flat file (hooray for me! <g>). Now I need to have the freeRadius server
reference a MS-SQL db server rather than the users file on the
freeRadius server. I am quite fuzzy about the process tho. I am hoping
for some basic edukashun.

How do you tell freeRadius to reference an external MS-SQL db rather
than the local users flat file?
How do you issue the query to the db? (what file contains the connection
string and query)
How do the returning fields get mapped into RADIUS attributes? (what do
you do when the db calls the field "uname" and RADIUS calls it

Thank you for your time,
Dave Covert 

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