Machine Authentication

Michael Griego mgriego at
Tue Feb 21 21:06:54 CET 2006

I'm not sure I understand your question.  You have or haven't gotten  
user auth working?  You have or haven't gotten machine auth working?

If you're having troubles with machine auth, have you checked the  
list archives?  There are previous messages going back a couple of  
months on how to set up machine authentication.  You didn't mention  
what version of the server you're trying to use.  I believe the  
latest stable release has the necessary code to make it work, or you  
could use a CVS snapshot.


On Feb 21, 2006, at 7:19 AM, Gilmour, Scott wrote:

> Hi,
> I am setting up PEAP authentication  and am using Windows 2003  
> Server Active Directory.  I am unable to authenticate using PEAP  
> with user Authentication but not with Machine Authentication.  Is  
> there something else I need to setup on FreeRadius to get this to  
> work?  Also is there a setup document somewhere where I can go  
> through and double check my setup.  I have searched online and have  
> been unable to find anything to help me with this.
> Thanks,
> Scott Gilmour
> Software Engineer
> Enterasys Networks
> Phone: 978-684-1236
> Email:sgilmour at
> www:
> -
> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See 
> users.html

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