Dialupadmin and FreeRADIUS communication issues

Rich Marriner richard at maingear.net
Wed Jan 4 20:39:30 CET 2006

Dialup_admin requires additional tables in the mysql database that 
FreeRADIUS alone does not require.  This is stated in the HOWTO under 

At dialup_admin/sql there are four files containg the SQL command to create
the required tables. This is done as follows:

shell> mysql -h mysql.host.com -u username -p radius < badusers.sql
shell> mysql -h mysql.host.com -u username -p radius < mtotacct.sql
shell> mysql -h mysql.host.com -u username -p radius < totacct.sql
shell> mysql -h mysql.host.com -u username -p radius < userinfo.sql

The error you are recieving is stating that it cannot find the 
"userinfo" table in the database "radius".  By changing directories to 
./dialup_admin/sql and running the four lines above you should be able 
to cure this problem and get it working.

Good Luck!

radius at smartfoxsoftware.com wrote:
> Hello,
> I've installed Ubuntu Linux 5.10 on a machine.  I compiled the latest 
> version of OpenSSL and FreeRADIUS and installed Apache on the machine 
> via the XAMPP package (which has PHP5, MySQL).  Everything seemed to be 
> going good but whenever I configured Dialupadmin to begin inputting 
> users into FreeRADIUS, Dialupadmin complains about not being able to 
> find the table 'radius.userinfo'.  I've tried installing the schema 
> found in the FreeRADIUS package and tried the one in the Dialupadmin 
> package and neither seem to work.  Is this a Dialupadmin error or 
> FreeRADIUS error?  I've tried looking on the net concerning this error 
> but have not seen anything regarding it.  I'm not very proficient in 
> MySQL but I've been using phpmyadmin to view the radius table. 
> If anyone has any solutions to this problem, it would be greatly 
> appreciated.  I'm looking to setup a Free WISP in my area and this would 
> have me ready to go.  Should I use a different setup?  Should I try and 
> use source for everything?  I had bad luck installing the needed 
> software from the packages provided by the Ubuntu repositories. 
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Richard Marriner II                Maingear.Net
Sr. Network Consultant          I.T. Consulting
richard at maingear.net           www.maingear.net

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