Michael Schwartzkopff misch at
Sun Jan 15 12:08:33 CET 2006


If I use OpenLDAP to authorize / authenticate my users, what kinds of 
passwords can I store in LDAP?

clear, crypt, SSHA, SMD5, MD5, SHA, NTHASH, LMHASH?

Is this controlled by the password_header configuation or does this only strip 
the header of the password?

Is there any difference if use the EAP module?


Dr. Michael Schwartzkopff
MultiNET Services GmbH
Bretonischer Ring 7
85630 Grasbrunn

Tel: (+49 89) 456 911 - 0
Fax: (+49 89) 456 911 - 21
mob: (+49 174) 343 28 75

PGP Fingerprint: F919 3919 FF12 ED5A 2801 DEA6 AA77 57A4 EDD8 979B
Skype: misch42
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