How to start a session

San san_sar at
Tue Jan 24 10:25:23 CET 2006

Ernesto, thanks a lot for quick reply.

I have used the radtest command and I can get access
accept successfully.

What I don't know understand is the next step (after
NAS authenticate and authorize). 

How can we measure the users usage. Where should I put
the attribute session start and how i use the session
stop. (what are the command?)

Do I need to write external script to calculate this?

The scenario is I want to know how big bandwith that
used by users during the login time.

I really lost in this part. Every documents that I can
find only explain until authenticate and authorize
between NAS and server. But after that I don't have

Hope you can understand and be patient with my very
basic(amateur) questions.

Best regards

--- Ernesto Freyre Ramírez <efreyre at>

> You  must use radtest command
> type radtest at the command prompt and this will
> give you hints about how to use it
> Ernesto Freyre Ramírez
> Jefe de Operaciones
> Qnet
> Soluciones Tecnológicas
> Jr. Natalio Sánchez 220, Of. 401 - Lima 11
> Telf.: (511) 431-6565 Anexo 2245
> Fax: (511) 431-7113
> Visítenos en:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: San 
>   To: FreeRadius users mailing list 
>   Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 8:35 AM
>   Subject: How to start a session
>   Dear All,
>   I have implemented freeradius-1.0.5 in Redhat box.
> And
>   I
>   have some questions about it. It have searched the
> web
>   but still can't find a clue or i just missed it
> :(.
>   Also my questions are:
>   1. How do we start the session? I have send the
>   request to the server and got access_accepted. And
> as
>   I know the session is start after we send the
>   accounting_request and get response from the
> server.
>   The problem is how to do that using command
> prompt? My
>   Nas is Suse box (that should be fine right?).
>   I use this command to send acct_request
>   echo "User-Name= Anna"| radclient acct
> -x
>   testing123
>   Is that right? or is there any place I can refer
> to
>   use the radclient command?
>   2. Do I need to write external script to run the
>   command? Because I want to use the session time
> out
>   but seems still not working.(because I don't know
> how
>   to start the session)
>   3. Where should I put the acc_type. Is it in
> server
>   side or nas side?
>   I really hope someone can help me (please...)
>   Thanks a lot in advance
>   Best Regards,
>   Santy

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