Freeradius and prepaid extension

deborah malka deborah_malka at
Tue Jan 24 23:18:43 CET 2006

Do you know an open source radius server that implements them ?
  I really need this !
  Thank you for advance,

Alan DeKok <aland at> a écrit :  deborah malka  wrote:
>  I need a Radius server to perform prepaid VOIP telephony. For that the  server must implement the RFCs 2865, 2866, 3539, and the extension for  Prepaid follows the specifications : X.S0011-005-C and X.S0011-006-C.
>   Does Freeradius implements all this ? 

  FreeRADIUS doesn't do the 3GPPP or 3GPPP2 telephony.  So far, there
hasn't been much demand for it.

  Alan DeKok.

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Déborah Malka
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