
Laker Netman laker_netman at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 31 15:54:30 CET 2006

Check out http://www.activestate.com/

They have a couple of products that do what you want.


--- Chris Knipe <savage at savage.za.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there any way to get rlm_perl to work with binary
> code, instead of 
> source?  I currently have a perl script executing
> via rlm_perl that does 
> some fancy stuff in authentication and accounting.
> Due to popular demand, I now have 3rd parties
> interested in this code, but I 
> don't feel it is secure enough to provide these
> vendors with the open source 
> perl code.
> I don't believe I can accomplish with rlm_exec what
> I do in rlm_perl, so I'm 
> kinda hoping that someone would have a solution here
> for me that would allow 
> rlm_perl (or a similar module perhaps), to execute
> compiled code.
> Hope I make sense, and that someone can shed some
> light and pointers for me.
> Thanks,
> Chris. 
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