Framed-IP-Address accounted in Hex

Alan DeKok aland at
Tue Jul 11 18:00:53 CEST 2006

Graeme Hinchliffe <graeme.hinchliffe at> wrote:
> Is there a chance that on a fast loaded box that threads are  
> accessing the dictionary index which is being dynamically modified  
> (it would appear) and using non-valid memory for their lookup ?   
> resulting in the value being kept as octet and the symptoms we are  
> seeing?

  Once the dictionaries are loaded and installed, the *lookups* should
be thread-safe.  The non-thread-safe portion of the hash table is only
for insertions or deletes.

  I'll send you a patch privately that *may* address it, but it's just
a guess at this point.

  Alan DeKok.

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