Prepaid billing using freeradius and rlm_counter/rlm_sqlcounter

Julius Igugu ofasa at
Mon Jun 12 09:49:29 CEST 2006

Assuming you had a way to populate the radius database with your username/password pairs, you could configure each one with a Max-All-Session-Time value.

FreeRADIUS will make sure they get disconnected when their time is used up.

liran tal <liransgarage at> wrote: 
Hey guys,

I'd like to try and implement a solution for pre-paid accounts.
The idea is that I'd be providing pairs of username/passwords to customers and these accounts will be set to N hours,
after those N hours are used by the customer (the user has ran out of his N-hour time) the account will be disabled,  i.e: freeradius
would return an access-reject.

I'm currently using FreeRADIUS 1.1.0 with mysql as the back-end on debian and I've read the manpage about rlm_counter and
rlm_sqlcounter though the manpage is a bit low of information and examples. 

Could someone please provide me with an example of how to get freeradius configured to this solution?

Sincerly, Liran Tal.
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