FreeRadius Log File ?

Seferovic Edvin edvin.seferovic at
Thu Jun 29 16:34:13 CEST 2006

I think that freeRADIUS logs to /var/log/radius/.... look at this directory
and you will find out what log file you need !


Edvin Seferovic

-----Original Message-----
From: at
[ at lists.freeradius.or
g] On Behalf Of Scott Miller
Sent: Donnerstag, 29. Juni 2006 16:26
To: freeradius-users at
Subject: FreeRadius Log File ?

Hello all - I have freeradius with mysql up and running perfectly.  I
recently "upgraded" from icradius because it seems to have dropped off the
face of the earth.  Anyways - there was a feature in icradius where I could
poll the log file to get customers authentication status.  I created a link
to a php file which referenced this log file for our techs to help with
troubleshooting.  The file looks like this:


include ('header.php');
$file ="/var/log/radius.log";

$fp = popen("/usr/bin/tail -$limit $file", 'r');
if (! $fp ) {
  echo 'unable to pipe command';

while (!feof($fp) ) {
   $line = fgets($fp, 4096);
print $line."<br>";


include ('footer.php');

But - there doesn't seem to be any log file I can poll this type of info
from.  Here's an excerpt of what I was able to get with the above:

Wed Jun 28 13:22:13 2006: Auth: Login OK: [sshort] (from nas CiscoAS5300/S0)
socket 0 (0 sec) 
Wed Jun 28 13:22:56 2006: Auth: Login OK: [lilia] (from nas Cisco AS5300/S0)
socket 0 (0 sec) 
Wed Jun 28 13:23:03 2006: Auth: Login OK: [eaglesight] (from nas
CiscoAS5300/S0) socket 0 (0 sec) 
Wed Jun 28 13:23:56 2006: Auth: Login OK: [dierman] (from nas
CiscoAS5300/S0) socket 0 (0 sec) 
Wed Jun 28 13:23:58 2006: Auth: Login OK: [rprice] (from nas CiscoAS5300/S0)
socket 0 (0 sec) 
Wed Jun 28 13:25:32 2006: Auth: Login OK: [hafens] (from nas CiscoAS5300/S0)
socket 0 (0 sec) 
Wed Jun 28 13:25:43 2006: Auth: Login OK: [edie_a] (from nas CiscoAS5300/S0)
socket 0 (0 sec) 
Wed Jun 28 13:26:09 2006: Auth: Login OK: [megameg] (from nas
CiscoAS5300/S0) socket 0 (0 sec) 
Wed Jun 28 13:26:35 2006: Auth: Login OK: [stinger] (from nas
CiscoAS5300/S0) socket 0 (0 sec) 
Wed Jun 28 13:26:39 2006: Auth: Login OK: [inahat] (from nas CiscoAS5300/S0)
socket 0 (0 sec) 
Wed Jun 28 14:26:57 2006: Auth: Login OK: [cafe] (from socket 0 (0 sec)

Do we have a log file we can poll this type of info from, or does it store
it in the mysql database somewhere?

Scott Miller

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