IP address assignment (rlm_ippool)

Carlo Prestopino c.prestopino at waitalia.com
Thu Mar 9 16:35:52 CET 2006

I want freeRADIUS to assign IP address to authenticated users, so Ive done
thefollowing configuration 


            ippool main_pool {


                #  range-start,range-stop: The start and end ip

                #  addresses for the ip pool

                range-start =

                range-stop =



                # session-db: The main db file used to allocate ip's to

                session-db = ${raddbdir}/db.ippool


                # ip-index: Helper db index file used in multilink

                ip-index = ${raddbdir}/db.ipindex




Once started, I get back an error from radiusd :

rlm_ippool: Failed to open file /etc/raddb/db.ippool: Permission denied

radiusd.conf[1468]: main_pool: Module instantiation failed.


It seems that the problem is due lack of db.ippool file. I've tried to
create it manually, but nothing changed.

Is there a way to generate db.ippool file so rlm_ippool can work properly?


Thank you in advance,

Best Regards,





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