
Phil Mayers p.mayers at imperial.ac.uk
Tue May 9 14:38:40 CEST 2006

Pierre LEONARD wrote:

> i would like to assign fixed ip for each vpn users but when i use 

The pool module does not do this. It assigns IPs based on a configurable 
hash of NAS attributes. By default, this is NAS IP and port number. Your 
users will therefore get a random IP from the pool each time they connect.

If you want to assign fixed IPs per-user, use the rlm_passwd module to 
key on username. It would look something like this:

modules {
   passwd user2ip {
     filename = /etc/freeradius/user2ip
     format = "*User-Name:=Framed-IP-Address"
     hashsize = 100

authorize {

Then in /etc/freeradius/user2ip:


> main_pool module in post-auth section, freeradius don't want to start 
> with this error :
> rlm_ippool: Failed to open file /etc/freeradius/db.ippool: Permission 
> denied

Fix the permissions.

> what is the utility of db.ippool and db.ipindex ? and what is the right 
> syntaxe  for this both files ?

They are binary/dbm files. They are created and maintained by 
freeradius. There is no "syntax"

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