Cisco Command Accounting..? [Virus checked]

thomas.pudil at thomas.pudil at
Fri May 12 13:34:48 CEST 2006


sorry if I come up with this question here, since it is not a problem of
freeradius by itself, but maybe someone could help me

I want to use freeradius also for authenticating our network-admins when
they login to our network-devices (e.g. Cisco boxes)
Authentication/Authorizsation works fine
Accounting (Start/Stop of Login Session) also

what I want to do in addition is to log admins activities (commands they
enter on the devices)
I know that this works for TACACS+, but it doesnt seem to when using
I've searched already this mailing-list and the web, and it seems that
Cisco does not support this feature?

Has anyone experience with this or could give me a hint on how to
accomplish this?

thank you

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