What printer [tested] for FreeRadius + WPA (EAP/TLS) WLAN network?

Krzysztof Stelmach ks at cortexchemicals.com
Wed May 17 13:24:15 CEST 2006


      I use FreeRadius with WPA (EAP/TLS) in my wireless network.
      Recently I was asked to select and buy wireless printer (with
      wireless print server built-in). And here is a problem: Does
      anybody know what printer supports WPA with EAP/TLS? I'm talking
      about models tested in WPA EAP/TLS-enabled WLAN network (we have HP DeskJet
      5850 but it doesn't work - it's theoretically WPA-compatible, I can install
      certificates but it doesn't log to network, In WEP-only
      environment it works great).

Krzysztof Stelmach

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