freeradius 1.1.0 with rp-pppoe 3.8 pppoe-server

Damjan gdamjan at
Mon May 22 17:57:19 CEST 2006

> I have a Red Hat 9.0 system with the following
> software: -
> ppp 2.4.4b1
> rp-pppoe 3.8
> freeradius 1.1.0
> I saw the following in
> /usr/local/share/freeradius/dictionary.roaringpenguin
> RP-Upstream-Speed-Limit
> RP-Downstream-Speed-Limit
> I did perform a download speed test and the download
> speed is not correct. I can't get 128kbits but I get
> the full speed of 1Mbps, why?

rp-pppoe + pppd don't support those Radius attributes.

to limit the user you'll need to create an "/etc/ppp/ip-up" script that will
parse /var/run/radattr.ppp0 for those attributes, and then you can apply
tc rules to limit the traffic.

damjan | дамјан
This is my jabber ID -->         damjan at 
 -- not my mail address, it's a Jabber ID --^ :)

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