Need information about proxying

Francois-Xavier GAILLARD fx.gaillard at
Wed May 24 17:36:24 CEST 2006

Le Wed, May 24, 2006 at 08:29:07PM +0530, Vishwanath Srikant Pattanshetti ecrivait:
> Hello 
> I am trying to using Freeradius1.1.0 I want to use it as a proxy to an
> external RADIUS server. 
> In such a setup, if my external server is not up, and if I proxy a
> request to it, then I get back a access-reject, from my proxy radius
> server. Also 
> If the username/password mismatch on external server then also I get a
> access-reject. Is there a way I can differentiate between these two? 
> I mean is there a way I tell if the external RADIUS server is down OR 
> Authentication at external RADIUS server has failed?

You should see that in radius.log:

root at debvm1 :/var/log/freeradius#grep dead radius.log
Tue May 23 18:18:52 2006 : Proxy: marking authentication server for realm NULL dead
root at debvm1 :/var/log/freeradius#

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