dict_addvalue: Duplicate value name

Alan abaker at cliquecom.com
Fri May 26 16:34:20 CEST 2006

I am trying to compile Freeradius Version 1.1.0 on a Sunfire 20z running RH3
enterprise 3 (AMD x86_64 Architecture). I am stumped in result of many
errors I cannot find a fix for. Are there any special environment
configurations or compile options to use before compiling FreeRadius on a 64
bit machine? Please advise.


dict_addvalue: Duplicate value name Route-IPX-No for attribute X-Ascend
dict_addvalue: Duplicate value name Local for attribute Post-Auth-Type
dict_addvalue: Duplicate value name PAP for attribute Auth-Type
dict_addvalue: Duplicate value name LAC-Only for attribute Tunnel-Function
dict_addvalue: Duplicate value name unix for attribute Auth-Type
dict_addvalue: Duplicate value name MS-CHAP for attribute Auth-Type

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