Freeradius hangs

Karthik R kartthikr at
Fri Nov 3 18:21:07 CET 2006

If you had said this at the start, and posted the debug log, you
would have solved the problem a long time ago.

 This is even in the FAQ:

 Alan DeKok.


As you said, I tried with the option -i :

radiusd --i <ip_address_radius server> -X

But still i get the below error message at the radius server end, only one
NIC is active now on the server.

--- Walking the entire request list ---
Waking up in 6 seconds...
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host , id=119,
Sending duplicate reply to client dlink:4754 - ID: 119
Re-sending Access-Accept of id 219 to port 4754

On the client side MSVPN dialer interface, i see the error message: "Error
718: the connection was terminated becasue the remote computer didnt respond
in timely manner".

Thanks for your patience and co-operation.
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