exec external script on successful proxy authentication

Mike needacoder at gmail.com
Fri Oct 27 20:21:46 CEST 2006

On 10/27/06, Garber, Neal <Neal.Garber at energyeast.com> wrote:
> > Is there a way to execute a script with the original request
> > attributes at the time of successul receipt of authentication reply
> > from a home server when FreeRADIUS is used as a proxy?  We require to
> > execute an auxilary action on successful authentication, but currently
> > have only found ways to do this at the time of request.
> Have you looked at the post-proxy and/or post-auth stages in
> radiusd.conf?
> You could call a perl script during those stages.  The request and
> reply attributes are available in hashes within the perl script.

Yes, I have looked at these, but I did not see "files" module having
ability to be put into these stages.  If I undestand correctly, you
are saying that it is possible to put the "exec" module into this
stage?  If this is so, what is the syntax?  In the other places exec
module was used from the users file with something like

Attribute-Name += `{exec:my_command.tcl}`

But I do not know how to do this with post-proxy and post-auth stages.

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