Freeradius is mad ! Or me...

benodilo at benodilo at
Tue Oct 31 15:41:16 CET 2006

You are in the good
The problem is Selinux ... The user "raduisdd" is not authorized to launch the

so freeradius and me are not made... is Selinux  ;)

Thks !

Selon Thibault Le Meur <Thibault.LeMeur at>:

> > Why the command "radiusd -A" work fine and not
> > "/etc/init.d/raduisd start" ???
> When you run 'radiusd -A' (I suppose you're root), you are running the
> radius Server as Root.
> When you run /etc/init.d/radiusd start, it switches to the 'radiusd' user
> identity (in FC5).
> So it is possible that you have a permission issue on some config file.
> Try to run:
> # su - radiusd --shell /bin/bash
> $ radiusd -X
> You'll see if there is a permision issue.
> HTH,
> Thibault

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