Is it possible to log connection details in MySQL?

Peter Nixon listuser at
Fri Sep 1 17:33:15 CEST 2006

On Fri 01 Sep 2006 17:42, ZaiPower wrote:
> Hello:
> I'd like to know if it is possible to save all the info under the log
> directory "radacct" (connections' details by client's IP) in MySQL instead
> of files in hard disk.

Yes. This is certainly possible.

> Are all the variables accessible?. I mean, are they valid for an SQL
> sentence in 'postauth_query' variables %{Packet-Type}, %{User-Name},
> %{User-Password}, %{NAS-IP-Address}, %{NAS-Port} and  %{Client-IP-Address}?
> Am I missing any other info?

 'postauth_query' is funnily enough related to postauth, NOT Accounting.

Please read

> After reading the answer
> (
>s_in_a_SQL_database.3F) to the question "How do I log failed login attempts
> in a SQL database?" in the FreeRadius wiki it seems it is possible with
> adequate SQL sentences.

Yes. Do you want to log unsuccessfull logins or (successfull) accounting info 
to SQL?

> I see three problems:
> - I don't see clearly how to separate successfully authentication of
> unsuccessfull. Maybe like this? How could I tell FreeRadius different
> queries depending on type of request?
> 	post-auth {
> 		# Login successful: get an address from the IP pool.
> 		ippool
> 		Post-Auth-Type ACCEPT {
> 			sql
> 		}
> 		Post-Auth-Type REJECT {
> 			# Login failed: log to SQL database.
> 			sql
> 		}
> 	}

Please reread this. It is very clear.

> - Where I can find documentation about the different packet types and their
> data?

Your NAS documentation "may" contain this info. You can also read

> - Is it possible to tell FreeRadius that I want to send more than one query
> to MySQL?

More than one query for what?

> I really want this functionality (keep the connection logs in MySQL, not in
> the filesystem).  I make this question to know if I am in the right path or
> ideally if anybody has already make something like this.

Excellent. This functionality exists. Enjoy :-)


Peter Nixon
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