Everything lookslike it works, but PC is not authentified

Alexandros Gougousoudis gougousoudis at kh-berlin.de
Mon Sep 4 12:31:25 CEST 2006


K. Hoercher schrieb:
> No, you don't.
> from Alan's post:
> #
> and "TLS Web Client Authentication" is

Hm, with Alans OID there is no communication between Radius and the 
client. If I use the OID indicated in most HowTOs (like 
there is a conversation between them. Ok the authentification fails at 
last. To write it again, I use W2k not XP, maybe the problem is 
somewhere in there, but I doubt it, because menus and functions are the 
same as in XP.

> you don't check for the CN. Afaik you might strip it by using the
> with_ntdomain_hack directive.

I've seen that directive, but exactly where should it be enabled in the 
config? I think it can't be set in the eap.conf, where it makes the most 

> Further changes changes depend on the eap type you want to use. I have
> already asked about that.

I didn't understand that question. I want to make a machine-based 
authentification based on certificates on the clients. If the cert is 
ok, the Ethernet-Port will be switched through. AFAIK this is done with 
Windows-CLients using EAP-TLS. Thats all auth I need, the user at the 
client must not be checked, even the clients name must not be checked 
against an sql or ldap (maybe later).

The HowTO says AuthType := EAP would be right. Ok, here on the list 
everybody says "Don't use AuthType", but nobody says what to use else... :-)


ServiceCenter IT - Alexandros Gougousoudis (Leiter)

Gemeinsame Einrichtung der Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weissensee, Hochschule 
für Musik "Hanns Eisler" und der Hochschule für Schauspielkunst "Ernst 

Tel.: 030 / 477 05 - 444 * Fax.: 030 / 477 05 - 445

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