Proxy with TLS

Gabriele Chervatin gabriele.chervatin at
Tue Sep 5 09:08:12 CEST 2006

Hi, I'm very newbie to Freeradius.

I'm try to use TLS whit to freeradius server.

I've a firewall FW that talk locally (over LAN) with the freeradius A.
Then freeradius A proxies the request to a remote (over WAN)
freeradius B. The system works great and I'm able to authenticate user
on firewall FW by freeradius B (which is the only who have the user

Now to increment the security, I'm trying to use EAP-TLS or EAP-TTLS
between the two freeradius server, but with no luck, infact in the
logs of the main server i see:

 rlm_eap: No EAP-Message, not doing EAP

(an so it's no doing TLS)

I'm use version 1.1.3, and I've generate correctly the certificates,
and configured eap.conf to use tls and ttls. What is wrong? Maybe is
not possible to use TLS in proxy mode?


Gabriele Chervatin

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