URGENT! User does not get VSA attribute If override = yes and in radiusd.conf and using PROXY

Guilherme Franco guilhermefranco at gmail.com
Fri Sep 15 15:27:48 CEST 2006


I need to set override = yes in radiusd.conf in order to the user get an IP.

This way because it's a proxy request.
i.e: user at realm.com -> proxy to realm -> realm authorize user ->
myradius sets the IP

The IP assignment does not work with override = no, because the proxy
radius tends to set the IP

Ok, if override = yes, the users get the correcty ip from the pool,
but not the VSA, as below:

DEFAULT         Pool-Name := test
                           X-Ascend-Client-Primary-DNS = x.x.x.x,
                           X-Ascend-Client-Secondary-DNS = x.x.x.x,
                           X-Ascend-Client-Assign-DNS = 1,
                           ERX-Virtual-Router-Name = "default",
                           Framed-Routing == None,
                           Framed-Protocol = PPP,
                           Service-Type = Framed-User

note: those vsa works correctly when I specify local users like this
(not proxy):

testuser          Auth-Type := local, User-Password == "foo", Pool-Name := test
                X-Ascend-Client-Primary-DNS = x.x.x.x,
                X-Ascend-Client-Secondary-DNS = x.x.x.x,
                X-Ascend-Client-Assign-DNS = 1,
                ERX-Virtual-Router-Name = "default",
                Fall-Through = Yes

Please HELP!


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