sqlippool not working

Guilherme Franco guilhermefranco at gmail.com
Wed Sep 20 19:14:57 CEST 2006


Unfortunately, even with  freeradius-snapshot-20060920.tar.gz and
using the ./configure --with-modules="rlm_sqlippool" option, the
module did not install.

I needed again, to compile it manually from

And then, the same problem persists:

Module: Loaded SQL IP Pool
  sqlippool: sql-instance-name = "sql"
  sqlippool: lease-duration = 86400
  sqlippool: pool-name = ""
  sqlippool: allocate-begin = "BEGIN"
  sqlippool: allocate-clear = ""
  sqlippool: allocate-find = ""
  sqlippool: allocate-update = ""
  sqlippool: allocate-commit = "COMMIT"
  sqlippool: allocate-rollback = "ROLLBACK"
  sqlippool: start-begin = "BEGIN"
  sqlippool: start-update = ""
  sqlippool: start-commit = "COMMIT"
  sqlippool: start-rollback = "ROLLBACK"
  sqlippool: alive-begin = "BEGIN"
  sqlippool: alive-update = ""
  sqlippool: alive-commit = "COMMIT"
  sqlippool: alive-rollback = "ROLLBACK"
  sqlippool: stop-begin = "BEGIN"
  sqlippool: stop-clear = ""
  sqlippool: stop-commit = "COMMIT"
  sqlippool: stop-rollback = "ROLLBACK"
  sqlippool: on-begin = "BEGIN"
  sqlippool: on-clear = ""
  sqlippool: on-commit = "COMMIT"
  sqlippool: on-rollback = "ROLLBACK"
  sqlippool: off-begin = "BEGIN"
  sqlippool: off-clear = ""
  sqlippool: off-commit = "COMMIT"
  sqlippool: off-rollback = "ROLLBACK"
rlm_sqlippool: the 'allocate-clear' statement must be set.

The following is in my radiusd.conf:

      $INCLUDE  ${confdir}/sqlippool.conf

        sqlippool foo {

                range-start =
                range-stop =

                netmask =
                cache-size = 800
                override = no
                maximum-timeout = 0


I didn't modified my sqlippool.conf, so it's the same as
sqlipool.conf,v 1.3 2006/09/13 12:49:37 pnixon Exp $

What can it be?

Also, what values should I populate in radippool table?

PS. Some things left:
IN configure.in (rlm_sql_oracle)
checking for oci.h... configure: WARNING: PETER XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1.

IN oracle-dialup.conf
# Optional Query - pnixon
        #accounting_stop_query =3D

Another issue: with oracle instant_client_10_2, rlm_sql_oracle would
not find it's libs, even when the required paths are configured. The
only way that I managed to install it was copying the whole oracle
folder to the freeradius server. I know that simply a matter of
changing the version and something to the new one in
configure.in of rlm_sql_oracle, but I was in a rush:

# Look for Oracle10g "Instant Client" installed from RPM
        if test "x$ORACLE_INCLUDE" = "x"; then

                for try in /usr/include/oracle/


On 9/20/06, Peter Nixon <listuser at peternixon.net> wrote:
> On Wed 20 Sep 2006 05:49, Guilherme Franco wrote:
> > I need to thank you again and congratulate you guys for such a great
> > support.
> You're welcome. Thanks for helping us make FreeRADIUS better :-)
> > Question: Even with freeradius-snapshot-20060920.tar.gz I will need to
> > use ./configure --with-modules="rlm_sqlippool"?
> Yes. This is because the module is sill considered experimental and is
> therefore not enabled by default.
> > If all works well, I assume that in radcheck table, the users need to
> > have "Pool-Name := test_pool" right?
> Yes. You need to tell FreeRADIUS which pool (if any) to use for that user.
> With sqlippool there is effectively no limit on the number of pools you may
> have configured (Only limit is disk space on your SQL server and IP space on
> your network)
> Cheers
> --
> Peter Nixon
> http://www.peternixon.net/
> PGP Key: http://www.peternixon.net/public.asc
> -
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