Freeradius Suse distro

Dunhill Satellite Systems info at
Thu Sep 21 18:49:05 CEST 2006

LeRoy DeVries wrote:
> Does the latest version (1.1.3) have the experimental modules that you had to 
> compile with in the old version 1.03 
I removed the Suse (10.1) version completely and installed the
Freeradius 1.1.2 by hand
Since than i have no (real) problems with freeradius anymore


*Dunhill Systems*, USA,
The Satellite Specialists for the Carribean
UnaSat, Nera, Idirect and Direcway Certified Installers
Phone: 352-437-1026

*Brant Systems*, Dominican Republic
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Phone: 809-437-8005

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