EAP-PEAP, SSL, Segmentation Fault

Nick Larsen larsen.nick at gmail.com
Sun Sep 24 23:47:55 CEST 2006


Does anyone know what may be happening here?
I'm trying to get PEAP logins working from a wireless access point, and on
every login attempt (whether correct or incorrect username or password in
all combinations) FreeRADIUS Seg Faults.
I'm using the default certificates that come with FreeRADIUS (1.1.3), and
have also tried generating and self signing SSL certificates via openssl.

I'm testing the server on out local network, but the server will be
publically accessable once up and ready.
(also, what should the commonName be set as for the certificate, or does
this not matter?)

`uname -a` output
FreeBSD finc.01online.co.nz 6.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE #0: Thu Nov  3
09:36:13 UTC 2005     root at x64.samsco.home:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC

Here is the output from `radiusd -XA` till the end of the login (my guess is
the SSL side of things isn't working):

Starting - reading configuration files ...
reread_config:  reading radiusd.conf
Config:   including file: /usr/local/etc/raddb/proxy.conf
Config:   including file: /usr/local/etc/raddb/clients.conf
Config:   including file: /usr/local/etc/raddb/snmp.conf
Config:   including file: /usr/local/etc/raddb/eap.conf
 main: prefix = "/usr/local"
 main: localstatedir = "/usr/local/var"
 main: logdir = "/usr/local/var/log/radius"
 main: libdir = "/usr/local/lib"
 main: radacctdir = "/usr/local/var/log/radius/radacct"
 main: hostname_lookups = no
 main: max_request_time = 30
 main: cleanup_delay = 5
 main: max_requests = 1024
 main: delete_blocked_requests = 0
 main: port = 0
 main: allow_core_dumps = no
 main: log_stripped_names = no
 main: log_file = "/usr/local/var/log/radius/radius.log"
 main: log_auth = no
 main: log_auth_badpass = no
 main: log_auth_goodpass = no
 main: pidfile = "/usr/local/var/run/radiusd/radiusd.pid"
 main: user = "(null)"
 main: group = "(null)"
 main: usercollide = no
 main: lower_user = "no"
 main: lower_pass = "no"
 main: nospace_user = "no"
 main: nospace_pass = "no"
 main: checkrad = "/usr/local/sbin/checkrad"
 main: proxy_requests = yes
 proxy: retry_delay = 5
 proxy: retry_count = 3
 proxy: synchronous = no
 proxy: default_fallback = yes
 proxy: dead_time = 120
 proxy: post_proxy_authorize = no
 proxy: wake_all_if_all_dead = no
 security: max_attributes = 200
 security: reject_delay = 1
 security: status_server = no
 main: debug_level = 0
read_config_files:  reading dictionary
read_config_files:  reading naslist
Using deprecated naslist file.  Support for this will go away soon.
read_config_files:  reading clients
read_config_files:  reading realms
radiusd:  entering modules setup
Module: Library search path is /usr/local/lib
Module: Loaded exec
 exec: wait = yes
 exec: program = "(null)"
 exec: input_pairs = "request"
 exec: output_pairs = "(null)"
 exec: packet_type = "(null)"
rlm_exec: Wait=yes but no output defined. Did you mean output=none?
Module: Instantiated exec (exec)
Module: Loaded expr
Module: Instantiated expr (expr)
Module: Loaded PAP
 pap: encryption_scheme = "crypt"
Module: Instantiated pap (pap)
Module: Loaded CHAP
Module: Instantiated chap (chap)
Module: Loaded MS-CHAP
 mschap: use_mppe = yes
 mschap: require_encryption = no
 mschap: require_strong = no
 mschap: with_ntdomain_hack = no
 mschap: passwd = "(null)"
 mschap: ntlm_auth = "(null)"
Module: Instantiated mschap (mschap)
Module: Loaded System
 unix: cache = no
 unix: passwd = "(null)"
 unix: shadow = "(null)"
 unix: group = "(null)"
 unix: radwtmp = "/usr/local/var/log/radius/radwtmp"
 unix: usegroup = no
 unix: cache_reload = 600
Module: Instantiated unix (unix)
Module: Loaded eap
 eap: default_eap_type = "md5"
 eap: timer_expire = 60
 eap: ignore_unknown_eap_types = no
 eap: cisco_accounting_username_bug = no
rlm_eap: Loaded and initialized type md5
rlm_eap: Loaded and initialized type leap
 gtc: challenge = "Password: "
 gtc: auth_type = "PAP"
rlm_eap: Loaded and initialized type gtc
 tls: rsa_key_exchange = no
 tls: dh_key_exchange = yes
 tls: rsa_key_length = 512
 tls: dh_key_length = 512
 tls: verify_depth = 0
 tls: CA_path = "(null)"
 tls: pem_file_type = yes
 tls: private_key_file = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/certs/cert-srv.pem"
 tls: certificate_file = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/certs/cert-srv.pem"
 tls: CA_file = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/certs/demoCA/cacert.pem"
 tls: private_key_password = "whatever"
 tls: dh_file = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/certs/dh"
 tls: random_file = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/certs/random"
 tls: fragment_size = 1024
 tls: include_length = yes
 tls: check_crl = no
 tls: check_cert_cn = "(null)"
 tls: cipher_list = "(null)"
 tls: check_cert_issuer = "(null)"
rlm_eap_tls: Loading the certificate file as a chain
rlm_eap: Loaded and initialized type tls
 peap: default_eap_type = "mschapv2"
 peap: copy_request_to_tunnel = no
 peap: use_tunneled_reply = no
 peap: proxy_tunneled_request_as_eap = yes
rlm_eap: Loaded and initialized type peap
 mschapv2: with_ntdomain_hack = no
rlm_eap: Loaded and initialized type mschapv2
Module: Instantiated eap (eap)
Module: Loaded preprocess
 preprocess: huntgroups = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/huntgroups"
 preprocess: hints = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/hints"
 preprocess: with_ascend_hack = no
 preprocess: ascend_channels_per_line = 23
 preprocess: with_ntdomain_hack = no
 preprocess: with_specialix_jetstream_hack = no
 preprocess: with_cisco_vsa_hack = no
 preprocess: with_alvarion_vsa_hack = no
Module: Instantiated preprocess (preprocess)
Module: Loaded realm
 realm: format = "suffix"
 realm: delimiter = "@"
 realm: ignore_default = no
 realm: ignore_null = no
Module: Instantiated realm (suffix)
Module: Loaded files
 files: usersfile = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/users"
 files: acctusersfile = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/acct_users"
 files: preproxy_usersfile = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/preproxy_users"
 files: compat = "no"
Module: Instantiated files (files)
Module: Loaded Acct-Unique-Session-Id
 acct_unique: key = "User-Name, Acct-Session-Id, NAS-IP-Address,
ss, NAS-Port"
Module: Instantiated acct_unique (acct_unique)
Module: Loaded detail
 detail: detailfile =
 detail: detailperm = 384
 detail: dirperm = 493
 detail: locking = no
Module: Instantiated detail (detail)
Module: Loaded radutmp
 radutmp: filename = "/usr/local/var/log/radius/radutmp"
 radutmp: username = "%{User-Name}"
 radutmp: case_sensitive = yes
 radutmp: check_with_nas = yes
 radutmp: perm = 384
 radutmp: callerid = yes
Module: Instantiated radutmp (radutmp)
Listening on authentication *:1812
Listening on accounting *:1813
Ready to process requests.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=0, length=196
        Message-Authenticator = 0x8559d2fd6863050916c31324405391c1
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        User-Name = "blah"
        Framed-MTU = 1488
        Called-Station-Id = "00-80-48-36-54-81:compex-wpe54ag"
        Calling-Station-Id = "00-09-2D-0E-5F-3B"
        NAS-Identifier = "ZeroOne Baby WiFi"
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
        Connect-Info = "CONNECT 54Mbps 802.11g"
        EAP-Message = 0x0200000901626c6168
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Port = 1
        NAS-Port-Id = "STA port # 1"
  Processing the authorize section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group authorize for request 0
  modcall[authorize]: module "preprocess" returns ok for request 0
  modcall[authorize]: module "chap" returns noop for request 0
  modcall[authorize]: module "mschap" returns noop for request 0
    rlm_realm: No '@' in User-Name = "blah", looking up realm NULL
    rlm_realm: No such realm "NULL"
  modcall[authorize]: module "suffix" returns noop for request 0
  rlm_eap: EAP packet type response id 0 length 9
  rlm_eap: No EAP Start, assuming it's an on-going EAP conversation
  modcall[authorize]: module "eap" returns updated for request 0
    users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 152
    users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 171
  modcall[authorize]: module "files" returns ok for request 0
modcall: leaving group authorize (returns updated) for request 0
  rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type EAP
auth: type "EAP"
  Processing the authenticate section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group authenticate for request 0
  rlm_eap: EAP Identity
  rlm_eap: processing type md5
rlm_eap_md5: Issuing Challenge
  modcall[authenticate]: module "eap" returns handled for request 0
modcall: leaving group authenticate (returns handled) for request 0
Sending Access-Challenge of id 0 to port 1040
        Framed-IP-Address =
        Framed-MTU = 576
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        EAP-Message = 0x010100160410f390bcd28d5a39f5f449cc5d8130669a
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0x95c0077ace87ab4b3f1230df0a5d5696
Finished request 0
Going to the next request
--- Walking the entire request list ---
Waking up in 6 seconds...
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=1, length=211
        Message-Authenticator = 0xa7cfb526bf546834ba5d3b0c56e8fdb5
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        User-Name = "blah"
        Framed-MTU = 1488
        State = 0x95c0077ace87ab4b3f1230df0a5d5696
        Called-Station-Id = "00-80-48-36-54-81:compex-wpe54ag"
        Calling-Station-Id = "00-09-2D-0E-5F-3B"
        NAS-Identifier = "ZeroOne Baby WiFi"
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
        Connect-Info = "CONNECT 54Mbps 802.11g"
        EAP-Message = 0x020100060319
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Port = 1
        NAS-Port-Id = "STA port # 1"
  Processing the authorize section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group authorize for request 1
  modcall[authorize]: module "preprocess" returns ok for request 1
  modcall[authorize]: module "chap" returns noop for request 1
  modcall[authorize]: module "mschap" returns noop for request 1
    rlm_realm: No '@' in User-Name = "blah", looking up realm NULL
    rlm_realm: No such realm "NULL"
  modcall[authorize]: module "suffix" returns noop for request 1
  rlm_eap: EAP packet type response id 1 length 6
  rlm_eap: No EAP Start, assuming it's an on-going EAP conversation
  modcall[authorize]: module "eap" returns updated for request 1
    users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 152
    users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 171
  modcall[authorize]: module "files" returns ok for request 1
modcall: leaving group authorize (returns updated) for request 1
  rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type EAP
auth: type "EAP"
  Processing the authenticate section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group authenticate for request 1
  rlm_eap: Request found, released from the list
  rlm_eap: EAP NAK
 rlm_eap: EAP-NAK asked for EAP-Type/peap
  rlm_eap: processing type tls
  rlm_eap_tls: Initiate
  rlm_eap_tls: Start returned 1
  modcall[authenticate]: module "eap" returns handled for request 1
modcall: leaving group authenticate (returns handled) for request 1
Sending Access-Challenge of id 1 to port 1040
        Framed-IP-Address =
        Framed-MTU = 576
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        EAP-Message = 0x010200061920
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0x0999987376b43477d4152a6a4a954f9e
Finished request 1
Going to the next request
Waking up in 6 seconds...
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=2, length=279
        Message-Authenticator = 0xf88c4e5d9853cc6b3bfa78463aa89b85
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        User-Name = "blah"
        Framed-MTU = 1488
        State = 0x0999987376b43477d4152a6a4a954f9e
        Called-Station-Id = "00-80-48-36-54-81:compex-wpe54ag"
        Calling-Station-Id = "00-09-2D-0E-5F-3B"
        NAS-Identifier = "ZeroOne Baby WiFi"
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
        Connect-Info = "CONNECT 54Mbps 802.11g"
        EAP-Message =
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Port = 1
        NAS-Port-Id = "STA port # 1"
  Processing the authorize section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group authorize for request 2
  modcall[authorize]: module "preprocess" returns ok for request 2
  modcall[authorize]: module "chap" returns noop for request 2
  modcall[authorize]: module "mschap" returns noop for request 2
    rlm_realm: No '@' in User-Name = "blah", looking up realm NULL
    rlm_realm: No such realm "NULL"
  modcall[authorize]: module "suffix" returns noop for request 2
  rlm_eap: EAP packet type response id 2 length 74
  rlm_eap: No EAP Start, assuming it's an on-going EAP conversation
  modcall[authorize]: module "eap" returns updated for request 2
    users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 152
    users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 171
  modcall[authorize]: module "files" returns ok for request 2
modcall: leaving group authorize (returns updated) for request 2
  rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type EAP
auth: type "EAP"
  Processing the authenticate section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group authenticate for request 2
  rlm_eap: Request found, released from the list
  rlm_eap: EAP/peap
  rlm_eap: processing type peap
  rlm_eap_peap: Authenticate
  rlm_eap_tls: processing TLS
rlm_eap_tls:  Length Included
  eaptls_verify returned 11
    (other): before/accept initialization
    TLS_accept: before/accept initialization
    TLS_accept: SSLv3 read client hello A
    TLS_accept: SSLv3 write server hello A
Segmentation fault: 11 (core dumped)

I've been trying to figure out the problem for weeks, so any replies/info
would be greatly appreciated,


Nick Larsen
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