Rewriting reply attributes

Graham Beneke graham at
Mon Sep 25 23:04:28 CEST 2006

Alan DeKok wrote:
>   You may be able to create a new attribute with the value of the old
> one, and then delete the old one.
Hi Alan

Thank you for the response. I'm still trying to come to grips with the
some of the general concepts and program flows within freeradius. If you 
can point me to any good docs explaining this it would be great.

That said - what modules or sections of the conf file should I be 
looking at to achieve your suggestion?


   Graham Beneke
   Apolix Internet Services

E-Mail: graham at <mailto:graham at>
Cell: 082-432-1873 <callto://+27824321873>
Skype: grbeneke <callto://grbeneke>
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