radutmp file problem with simultanous problem

satish patel linuxtrap at yahoo.co.in
Mon Apr 2 09:19:31 CEST 2007

Dear guys

                   I have very strange problem i am useing freeradius with mssql database and it is working fine since 1 month without error but last week my radius server power switch off or due to any power reson my radius machine would shutdown now when it come back i run radwtmp there is list of users and when i goes or telnet on cisco NAS there is no one users and after it i check radius log i saw the max 1 login error means multiple users login problem so what is the problem i know the problem but this is not a way caz it caz happend any time then i delete /var/log/radius/radutmp file then again users able to login this is the simultaneous login problem i know caz checkrad first check radutmp and then check in to NAS i know logic behind this but this is not a proper solution then how can i resolve it is there any method to adovide this problem..

$ cat ~/satish/url.txt

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