sql auth problems with 2.0.0-pre

Alexander Serkin als at cell.ru
Thu Apr 12 14:32:57 CEST 2007

Alexander Serkin wrote:
> Gurus,
> may be i'm pulling some common mistake with my configuration being 
> tested against cvs snapshot, but no idea which one.
> I've an sql profile telling:
> some.dotted.user Cleartext-Password = cisco
> 		 NAS-IP-Address =~ "xxx.xxx.97.(85|86)"

The problem is that regular expression check of
  NAS-IP-Address =~ "xxx.xxx.97.(85|86)"
does not work.

When i delete this check from sql it works, when i change the check to
  NAS-IP-Address == "xxx.xxx.97.85"
it works too.

What has changed since 1.1.5?
The construction
NAS-IP-Address =~ "xxx.xxx.97.(85|86)"
did work for me there.

In radiusd.conf we have:
regular_expressions     = yes
extended_expressions    = yes

Sincerely Yours,

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