
A.L.M.Buxey at A.L.M.Buxey at
Fri Apr 20 12:30:16 CEST 2007


> my last coonfiguration  of these files is:
> radiusd.conf
> proxy_request = yes
> proxy.conf
> realm gie.local {
>                      type     =  radius
>                      authhost =  LOCAL
>                      accthost  =  LOCAL
>                      }
> realm DEFAULT {
>                        type     =  radius
>                        authhost =  araignee.gie.local:1812
>                        accthost  =  araignee.gie.local:1813
>                        secret     =  parfait
>                        nostrip
>                        }

you are totally aware that this configuration means that your FR box
will see any gie.local and attempt the AAA itself. is this what you want?
from your debug logs it looks like you really want everything to be sent
to your IAS - so why are you attempting to handle gie.local or anything
at all if all you want to do is proxy?

ie remove the realm gie.local stuff and just keep the DEFAULT if your
FR isnt configured to handle those clients!


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