NAS's and client's? what's the difference and where are they and where defined?

Alan DeKok aland at
Mon Aug 6 16:11:50 CEST 2007

Kevin Bailey wrote:
> What are the differences between clients and NAS's? - Where should they 
> be defined?

  A Network Access Server (NAS) is a RADIUS client.  It should be
defined in "clients.conf"

> I seem to have been able to connect the client box by adding an entry 
> into

  *Please* be careful about terminology.  If you keep getting it wrong,
you won't be able to remember what thing means what, and any answers
here won't help you.

> # 03/05/2007 - kbailey
> # Test connection to AF-IT Epygi box.
> client {
>         secret          = password
>         shortname       = afit_test
>         nastype         = epygi
> }
> But this is not showing up under the NAS list in the dialupadmin 
> interface - under Radius clients, NAS administration.

  Because dialupadmin looks in an SQL database for the clients.  It
doesn't read the "clients.conf" file.

  Alan DeKok.

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