Configuration issue - unknown client

Dan O'Reilly dano at
Tue Aug 14 00:06:07 CEST 2007

This is my first stab at Freeradius.  I have the server installed on 
Sabayon Linux, and the radtest script runs fine.  I've done basically no 
configuration to it, because I'm not sure what to configure.

I'm writing a client on another system (it's VMS if that's germane).  I 
format & send a request packet to the server system, and get (running 
radiusd -X):

rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=67, length=47
Ignoring request from unknown client

I'm sure I don't have the server configured properly.  So, what am I missing?


| Dan O'Reilly                  |  "There are 10 types of people in this |
| Principal Engineer            |   world: those who understand binary   |
| Process Software              |   and those who don't."                |
|        |                                        |

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