freeradius + ad

Pelluru Sujatha sujathap at
Fri Aug 31 10:56:23 CEST 2007

Whether the password given in Users file is a Encrypted password or
Whether the secret which I am configuring in clients.conf should be
configured anywhere else? 

All these files should be configured in the path
Is this right?

-----Original Message-----
From: freeradius-users-bounces at
[mailto:freeradius-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of
A.L.M.Buxey at
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2007 1:49 PM
To: FreeRadius users mailing list
Subject: Re: freeradius + ad

> I have taken 1.1.6 version.

why? oh dear why?!?  1.1.7 is the latest 1.1.x release and its
there for many many reasons.  i dont grab Linux 0.9 kernel if
i want to run a Linux server.

> I am not very clear on configuring the files.
> First we are going to do dummy testing.

for very very basic testing you only need to edit 3 files

radiusd.conf   - set the userid,groupid and listen directive
                 (and thats it! leave the rest alone!)

clients.conf - edit the entry

client {
        secret          = the_secret_i_put_into_clients.conf
        shortname       = localhost
        nastype     = other

users - at the very top add a test user.... eg
        my_Test_user_00x1  Cleartext-Password := "bigf439qyft789"

that should be it.  you can then use, eg radtest, to check its alive.
so open 2 terminal windows... in one, type  radiusd -X  (to run
in full debugging) and in the other type

radtest  my_Test_user_00x1 bigf439qyft789 localhost 1812

> Can we give a file name as the argument in the command line while
> radtest? If so How to use?

man radclient

radtest is a little more basic. its the 'basic freeradius 101' test tool

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