Error: Ignoring request from unknown client IP:1645

A.L.M.Buxey at A.L.M.Buxey at
Tue Feb 13 12:59:07 CET 2007


> client localhost {
> 	secret = 181180
> 	shortname = localhost
> 	nastype = other
> }
> client {
> 	secret = 181180
> 	shortname = testcisco
> 	nastype = cisco
> }

those look fine. have you actually tried a 'radtest' on the local server
to check all is well?  eg put the following into your 'users' file

testuser01  Auth-Type:=Local, User-Password=="ehwtehi"

restart radiusd process then do

radtest testuser01 ehwtehi localhost 1812 181180

this is pure and simple PAP authentication at its best.

> ## radiusd.conf	-- FreeRADIUS server configuration file.

which version of freeradius? this config is a bit crusty for a 1.x

change the following parts

#bind_address = *
#port = 0

listen {
 	#  IP address on which to listen.
 	#  Allowed values are:
 	#	dotted quad (
 	#       hostname    (
 	#       wildcard    (*)
	ipaddr = *
 	#  Port on which to listen.
 	#  Allowed values are:
 	#	integer port number (1812)
 	#	0 means "use /etc/services for the proper port"
	port = 1645
 	#  Type of packets to listen for.
 	#  Allowed values are:
 	#	auth	listen for authentication packets
 	#	acct	listen for accounting packets
	type = auth

this uses the 1.x listen directive. i've also changed the port to 1645 - as you say your
cisco is expecting this port!

> proxy_requests  = yes
> $INCLUDE  ${confdir}/proxy.conf

are you proxying? you didnt say so. you should set this to no(!)

> 	#  Supports multiple encryption schemes
> 	#  clear: Clear text
> 	#  crypt: Unix crypt
> 	#    md5: MD5 ecnryption
> 	#   sha1: SHA1 encryption.
> 	#  DEFAULT: crypt
> 	pap {
> 		encryption_scheme = crypt
> 	}

to do the radtest I mentioned above, this value needs to be 'clear'

you a crypted version of that password if you wish to use 'crypt'

as for all the rest. if you arent using it. comment it out.


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