postgresql or mysql

Peter Nixon listuser at
Sat Jan 6 01:03:24 CET 2007

On Wed 03 Jan 2007 20:18, jerrrry at wrote:
> Hi,
> i'd like to know which DB (postgresql or mysql) you advice me, to store
> accounting and see it thanks to the GUI dailupadmin ? can i find the same
> freeradius features with this 2 DB ?
> i don't see 2 features , in  postgresql.conf:
> - readclients = yes
> -Default profile
> that i see in sql.conf.
> are they implemented with postgre ?

If you have no preference either way then I recommend Postgresql as a 
superior database technically and speed wise. It will allow you to do more 
complex reports on much larger datasets. However if you are simply going to 
use dialupadmin for a small setup (no extra custom reports or AAA 
requirements) then it doesn't really make any difference.

At the end pick what you are comfortable with. If you don't know either then 
do yourself a favour and  go with Postgresql. You will thank me in future 
(About 6 months to a year later as you become familiar with its advanced 



Peter Nixon
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