freeradius-1.1.3 + snmp...

Kevin Bonner keb at
Fri Jan 12 17:43:04 CET 2007

On Friday 12 January 2007 11:13, adreas Polyxronopoulos wrote:
> I have configured the radiusd.conf to support snmp 
> and in snmp.conf i have set the community string to public as it is in
> snmpd.conf.

In your snmpd.conf file, do you have a line that looks like the following?

    smuxpeer . public

Are there any errors in your log files that might indicate a problem with your 
snmpd config?

> However when i am running freeradius in debugging mode : 
> radiusd -X , i get the following output and the freeradius does not start.
> Why is that happening ? When i configured the radiusd.conf without snmp
> everything works perfect.

Does freeradius exit without error or do you press Ctrl-C to kill it?

Kevin Bonner
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