FreeRadius IRC...

Peter Nixon listuser at
Sat Jan 13 12:12:17 CET 2007

On Sat 13 Jan 2007 08:26, Evan Vittitow wrote:
> Do you folks ever show up on Freenode's #FreeRadius channel?

I do occasionally, but mostly to lurk and see what goes on, not because I 
want to spend all day interactively helping people. (My time costs money).

Like the rest of the freeradius devs I answer questions when I have the time 
on the mailing list because it is the most efficient medium (Other people 
get to read the answer year later if they google the same problem). We also 
write documentation in the wiki whenever we can.

You will notice that nowhere on the FreeRADIUS website is an IRC channel 



Peter Nixon
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