EAP-TLS certificate question

kemas k_henry at ramayana.co.id
Wed Jan 17 11:52:52 CET 2007

Hi all,

I've install freeradius-1.1.3,use it with AP Aironet 1100 doing EAP-TLS
and works very well.
I still confuse about certificate, is all client certificate created
under 1 root ca, can be authenticated against freeradius that started 
with different server certificate?

is it possible to set things like this
			root ca
		    /	  |       \
		  /       |        \
		/         |         \   
	server1		server2	    server3
	-------		-------	    -------
	   |		  |	      |	
           |		  |	      |
	client1		client2	    client3

I don't want client1 to be authenticated against server2 or server3.


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