sqlcounter problem

satish patel linuxtrap at yahoo.co.in
Thu Jan 18 14:28:07 CET 2007

thx for help i got it what u want to say.
                   I have one more question how do i disconnect user in freeradius online user ???  and is it possible to bind per users bandwidth with  Cisco-AVpair  attributes i have cisco vpdn NAS  and i want to limit user bandwidth restriction thruogh the radius .. is it possible and how do i configure it 
 Satish Patel

Alan DeKok <aland at deployingradius.com> wrote: satish patel wrote:
> Dear ALL
>              I have configure freeradius-1.1.4 version with mysql and my
> NSA is cisco with VPDN configuration now i have create user "aaa" in
> mysql with this attributes
> sqlcounter dailycounter {
>             driver = "rlm_sqlcounter"

  Where does that line come from?  Why is it there?

>             counter-name = Daily-Session-Time
>             check-name = Max-Daily-Session
>             sqlmod-inst = sqlcca3

  Where does that line come from?  Why is it there?

  The default "radiusd.conf" shipped with 1.1.4 has a sample sqlcounter
entry.  Please use it as the template.

> now problem is when i login throgh AAA user my user disconnect after 3
> min but when i login again through this user it was login again and
> disconnnect after 3 min  why ???   i want to allow user to access only 3
> min per day measn after 3 min completed use not allowd to login again
> what is the configuration for that ???

  Did you list dailycounter in the "authorize" section of
"radiusd.conf"?  Did you list "sql" in the "accounting" section of

  Alan DeKok.
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